Sunday, September 23, 2012


Your friend's viewpoint appears to be denying the essential 
personhood of "rich people" and "poor people". I don't think 
he's understanding them as people, but as abstract classes. 
Perhaps he should be reminded that everyone lives near the 
center of their own narrative. Most people are the heroes of 
their own story; when this isn't true, the hero still tends to be 
close by. They acquire resources to improve the world in 
which they live. Rich people and poor people alike do this. 
The desire to live a better life is universal. The fact that the 
modern world is better than the ancient world is testament to 
the fact that progress is real.

Your friend doesn't appear to believe that rich people are 
capable of being voluntarists. He is arguing that rich people 
will never seek win/win transactions with those who are 
poorer than they are. "Never" is a strong word, but it fits here. 
He is directly arguing that rich people will buy up the 
necessary elements of life and then use their exclusive 
access to enslave the poor. This can only work if, as your 
friend clearly believes, the poor have no collective resources 
with which to resist, no ability to use the market, and no 
ability to network with each other effectively.

I wonder if your friend understands that the debtor class in 
modern society is the ultra-wealthy, while the creditor class 
are the working poor and the middle class. People very often 
think "high net worth" equals "no debts, massive savings". 

Historically, that was generally true, but in the modern day 
the so-called wealthy tend to have vast amounts of fixed 
resources and shortages of liquid assets. The collective argument is a symptom of this dehumanizing perspective. Your friend appears to believe that it is right and proper to remove cancerous elements from society with a government's violence, just as it is right and proper to remove 
cancerous elements from the body with a doctor's scalpel. 

The government is not that precise, but that is not the real 
issue. He is dehumanizing people who disagree with him by 
referring to them as cancers in human society. His arguments appear to be an attempt at justifying the forcible 
excision of other people for the crime of disagreeing with him 
as to the best way to improve their lives.

I have no idea how to correctly interact with such an 
individual. There are specific counterpoints to some of what 
he's said that I've skipped mentioning, as none of the logical 
consequences of the policies he's advocating matter so much 
as the fact that he's targeting policies against people he 
doesn't regard as people. As long as he has no empathetic 
connection with the people over whose fate he is arguing, he 
is not going to come to a peaceful solution to their problems.


  1. Sometimes people use anonymity to be nastier than they otherwise would be. Ah, but the reason anonymity must be protected is because sometimes, people use it to be more clever than they would otherwise dare.

    Any individual who uses anonymity to speak cogently is someone who fears they are taking a risk in doing so.

    1. I agree, Anonymous. And so far, my conclusion, as with James Corbett, Richard Grove, Brett Veinotte, Ben Stone and many, many others, is that I shallI proudly and openly say my name in connection to writing I do concerning Nonviolent Communication, philosophy and intellectual consistency. And I respect your desire to be Anonymous, and I understand the fear you spoke of, and the risk. Cogent speaking is vital, as is cogent thinking, and I am grateful for your submissions. Please feel free to ask any questions if you need further clarification as to the nature and purposes of this blog.

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    I just wanted to respond to you above post. I wanted to copy and respond to some of what you've said.

    "Your friend's viewpoint appears to be denying the essential
    personhood of "rich people" and "poor people". I don't think
    he's understanding them as people, but as abstract classes.
    Perhaps he should be reminded that everyone lives near the
    center of their own narrative. Most people are the heroes of
    their own story; when this isn't true, the hero still tends to be
    close by. They acquire resources to improve the world in
    which they live. Rich people and poor people alike do this.
    The desire to live a better life is universal. The fact that the
    modern world is better than the ancient world is testament to
    the fact that progress is real.

    Your friend doesn't appear to believe that rich people are
    capable of being voluntarists. He is arguing that rich people
    will never seek win/win transactions with those who are
    poorer than they are. "Never" is a strong word, but it fits here.
    He is directly arguing that rich people will buy up the
    necessary elements of life and then use their exclusive
    access to enslave the poor. This can only work if, as your
    friend clearly believes, the poor have no collective resources
    with which to resist, no ability to use the market, and no
    ability to network with each other effectively."

    I found much wisdom in these two paragraphs, in terms of understanding the lack of specific empathy
    necessary to discuss such social planning ideas with compassion for all concerned. You hit it well.
    This is always the crux of the issue, with speaking or writing to people who hold strong to certain conclusions...
    I understand your bewilderment as to forming a plan for discourse that will hopefully lead
    to a more peaceful, win/win senario.

    One of the intellectual lenses (or epistemological tools and tactics) that I promote is Nonviolent Communication (NVC)
    which is the use of an explicit literacy and tactical practice of knowing, understanding and making practical applications
    using the knowledge of the feelings and motivating factors of the audience and the author of all messages. This includes
    what we feel as well, when we receive messages from other authors, and when we are the authors of messages that go
    outward to our audience. Your participation in this blog helps me with this, and I am grateful for what you have seen through your
    own intellectual lenses that you wield.
    I wish you could use a more catchy or original handle, but I respect your decisions. Wishing you well, wherever you are....
