Monday, September 2, 2013

My Interview and Discussion on Live Free FM

NVC and the Trivium Method

Published by: Nathan Fraser on 08-25-2013

Darrell Becker from the Tragedy and Hope online community Joins us this week to discuss his studies on Non Violent Communications, Trivium Method learning, and how to combine the two in order to be more effective communicators of socially taboo and emotionally charged ideas and concepts. We start by examining how to communicate with people who hold apposing points of view in a way that will not automatically put up brick walls, preventing meaningful discussion. HOw can we share new ideas without insulting those who have not yet been exposed? How can we challenge belief systems without making enemies of those we wish to help? This is where NVC comes in. Later, we look at how we can use logic to examine our own belief systems, as to not be passing on bad information. This may not always be the most comfortable thing to do, but it is vital. We wrap it up by combining the two processes into a form of communication that can send ideas to people who are willing to accept them with the least amount of resistance as possible. If you are someone who keeps being shut down when you are trying to wake people up, this is an episode that you do not want to miss. 
Derrell's site is Voluntary Visions
Darrell on a recent broadcast of History Connected can be found HERE
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