Voluntary Visions looks through the intellectual lenses of the Trivium method of critical thinking ( http://triviumbinder.blogspot.com/ ), Voluntary Communication (a.k.a. Non-Violent Communication, http://www.cnvc.org/ ), the Non-Agression Principle ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-aggression_principle ), as well as other lenses, so as to create internal and interpersonal emotional and intellectual equilibrium.
Hi everyone, Thanks so much for your attention span to my blog. I will be transitioning from this site to my new website: www.voluntaryvisions.com . I will still be posting the same posts here, though perhaps at a lesser interval than what I've been posting so far. Thanks to all my fellow collaborators in the studies of communication, harmony and effective strategies and actions. We all stand on the shoulders of the giants of intellectual and empathetic accomplishment, and I am grateful for the help I've received from those who have found value in what I am producing. Thank you again, Darrell Becker
Part Two: Process What are the results of knowing and using the skills of the Trivium Method of critical thinking in conjunction with the skills of using Voluntary Communication, also known as Non-Violent Communication (or NVC)?
This show continues a series about Merging the Trivium Method with Voluntary Communication, and developing strategies for better interpersonal connections. Darrell Becker will be co-hosting all episodes in this series.
Discussed Today: -The who, what, where and when of NVC -One of the whys – anxiety reduction -how the NVC process connects to the Trivium method -Observation, discussed in detail -Feelings, discussed in detail -Needs, Motivating Factors, discussed in detail -Requests, discussed in detail -”The worst sentence in the world” – Disconnected Communication -Demands -Diagnosis -Denial of Responsibility -Deserve-Oriented Language -The Abundance Perspective, “win-win”
Part One: Purposes and Definitions What are the results of knowing and using the skills of the Trivium Method of critical thinking in conjunction with the skills of using Voluntary Communication, also known as Non-Violent Communication (or NVC)?
This show begins a series about Merging the Trivium Method with Voluntary Communication, and developing strategies for better interpersonal connections. Darrell Becker will be co-hosting all episodes in this series.
Darrell’s Purposes For This Pursuit 1. The first purpose was so that an individual may possess an explicit (meaning explainable to one’s self and others in a simple and straightforward way) method to find and gently remove one’s own sources of “cognitive dissonance”, which were labeled with the metaphor of “splinters in the mind”.
2. The second purpose was to be able to know and understand other people’s “splinters”, and to be able to avoid putting undue pressure upon such obstacles to other people’s method of critical thinking, but rather, to offer opportunities of connection by virtue of building “bridges of empathy”, metaphorically and subjectively understood signs of understanding and respect which seem to “coincidentally” correspond to enhanced communication capabilities.
3. The third purpose was to produce enhanced empathetic connections and communications, which seems to correspond to more frequent collaboration, which in turn seems to correlate with increased creativity and innovation.
4. The fourth purpose is to help to generate circumstances (filled with connection and creativity) which are likely to lead to increased innovation, wherein obstacles and “problems” are seen by more and more people as being opportunities to provide goods or services which help to solve those problems. These obstacles are apparently caused by the impediments individuals are able to identify as preventing someone from gaining whatever is needed or desired. These obstacles are very often caused by any “barrier” that is perceived by any particular individual as obstructing something that is needed, desired and/or valued. With creativity, obstacles are turned into opportunities to make businesses, to make artistic expressions, to create a functional gathering or an event, or a product or service, something that has potential to thrive and survive due to the perceived need and desire for what is created. This can be something which, in the long run, helps to render the problems (problems that are often seemingly caused by “obligatory monopolies” which are wielding threats and backed up by extensive tradition and supporting individuals) caused by apparent situations of coercion obsolete, due to a plethora of solutions being innovated, reproduced, improved and distributed to all who need and desire them.
In this conversation Darrell Becker and Wes Bertrand joined me to tackle the topics of judgment and responsibility. I found that these two things, judgment and responsibility (or denial of responsibility as is often the case) often go together. We discuss how these topics handled using Non-violent communication (NVC), and go over many examples, including events in the news, sexism, the Free Domain Radio podcast, and more!
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Darrell Becker - Voluntary & Non Violent CommunicationOctober 16, 2013
Darrell Becker runs the blog Voluntary Visions which puts focus on the intellectual lenses of the Trivium method of critical thinking, Voluntary Communication, the Non-Aggression Principle, as well as other lenses, so as to create internal and interpersonal emotional and intellectual equilibrium. He'll discuss the skills of the Trivium Method of critical thinking in conjunction with the skills of using Voluntary Communication (NVC), in order to produce greater inner and interpersonal, intellectual and empathetic equilibrium. Darrell has written an essay on the topic, which we'll go over including, the the "4D's" of disconnected communication, using logic and grammar scans, removing personal cognitive dissonance, building bridges of empathy and understanding "emotional and mental splinters." Hasty generalizations, psychological intrusion, demands and deserve oriented language are examples of diagnoses that are unrequested and will not help you build bridges with others. But we also connect this practice and apply it to understand the best pathway to take when communicating with "authority," or the ill-mannered. Later, we'll discuss questions one can ask and answer in order to properly care for their intellectual and emotional lenses. The hour ends on how to view problems or obstacles when looking through a healthy lens.
Darrell Becker from the Tragedy and Hope online community Joins us this week to discuss his studies on Non Violent Communications, Trivium Method learning, and how to combine the two in order to be more effective communicators of socially taboo and emotionally charged ideas and concepts. We start by examining how to communicate with people who hold apposing points of view in a way that will not automatically put up brick walls, preventing meaningful discussion. HOw can we share new ideas without insulting those who have not yet been exposed? How can we challenge belief systems without making enemies of those we wish to help? This is where NVC comes in. Later, we look at how we can use logic to examine our own belief systems, as to not be passing on bad information. This may not always be the most comfortable thing to do, but it is vital. We wrap it up by combining the two processes into a form of communication that can send ideas to people who are willing to accept them with the least amount of resistance as possible. If you are someone who keeps being shut down when you are trying to wake people up, this is an episode that you do not want to miss. Derrell's site is Voluntary Visions Darrell on a recent broadcast of History Connected can be found HERE. Help us improve the quality of LiveFreeFM and reach a wider audience, Donate!!!
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